Saturday, April 16, 2011

I May Be Extraodinary, But My Dates Certainly Aren't

I went on a date once with a man that was so ordinary, mild-mannered and simple that I actually felt sorry for him. I had agreed to go on the date with him when a friend of mine encouraged me saying: "He's a nice guy. You need to date a nice guy."

It turns out, I don't think I need to date a "nice" guy. I need to date a man who doesn't need to "strap on a pair" because they're already firmly in place!

The date itself was okay. Dinner at an italian restaurant and then he walked me home. He had planned it too- he had come downtown and looked around for places he'd like to take me, and then chose a few and let me pick from them. He was nervous and shy, but the conversation was light and flowed nicely.

The only problem was: he didn't do it for me. I didn't get any hopeful feelings that he'd kiss me at the end of the night, or that he'd hold my hand. I wasn't feeling light-hearted, and like I wanted him to call again. I felt the same as if I had gone out with my brother or one-of-the-guys. I think I intimidated him too...

Harsh as this may sound: Guys, you need to be phenomenal. As superficial as it may be, women are seriously attracted to things that sparkle and shine. BE THAT SPARKLY, SHINEY thing! I don't mean that in the way that you should dress up and physically have sparkles on you (we don't want someone shinier than we are) but you need to draw our attention. You need to stand out from the crowd, and when you're with a woman in a crowd, you need to show that you're PROUD TO BE WITH HER in that crowd  (but never ever act like she's your property.. I know, it's hard to find the balance, but please, please, for the love of dating, find it.)

Needless to say, this man called me again, but I just couldn't bring myself to give him a second date. Good luck Ordinary! You'll find someone who doesn't far out-shine you someday!

NOTA BENE: I'd like to add a disclaimer on my statement that men should be the sparkly thing we're looking at: Not all women want the same kind of sparkle in their man, and men need to know what their date wants them to be. If you're not that thing, maybe you're just not meant to be anyway. Just because Tiffany's if full of diamonds, doesn't mean you need to wear all your Tiffany at once- find the pieces that compliment each other.

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